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  • Writer's pictureStephanie R. Sinclair

Building Wealth Through Health

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

People are often preoccupied with seeking new ways to generate more money. This is due to the rising costs of living, and a desire to live without financial stress.

You may be looking for a second job or want to invest in a business that will create residual income. These methods are effective and should be pursued to meet financial goals. However, you may be neglecting your health while you’re on the road to a higher financial status.

Whatever your goal is, it is important to be able to present yourself in a whole state versus a partial state. What I mean by this is that if you don’t adjust your schedule to accommodate the acquisition of sufficient sleep, exercise, and the consumption of healthy food, you will not be able to enjoy your life.

You may have the money to buy any type of food you want, but if you don’t select the right foods, your eating will be in vain.

You may think that wealth solely pertains to the accumulation of cash, bonds, stocks, real estate, and other investments that can yield high monetary value, but if your health is deteriorating, you will eventually have to use these assets to pay for various medical services to manage chronic illnesses.

If you want to avoid using all of your savings for extensive and expensive medical care, there are a few proactive steps you can take to lower the risks of acquiring many of the conditions that are known to contribute to shortening your lifespan.

Although this advice is based on my perspective, experience, and other authoritative medical sources, you should consult with your primary care physician to get approval for the consumption of a particular food, supplement, or your participation in an exercise regimen.

You don’t want to risk overexerting yourself or increase or decrease a vital level because you exceeded an amount of a food or supplement that your body cannot handle.

Building monetary wealth takes time because long work periods are involved, but as time goes on, the increased savings amount indicates that your hard work truly pays for itself. The same process should be applied to improving your health.

So many people think that they can eat anyway they want for decades, and then achieve miraculous results overnight because of a pill.

However, the key to improving and sustaining long term health is consistency. If purposely applied over months and years, your body will become accustomed to good food and will begin to crave what your body has needed for a long time.

About a year and a half ago, I decided to get an annual physical which I had neglected for quite some time. I thought my exam would yield positive results because I ate a salad every day and took a multivitamin.

However, prior to my exam, I had been feeling sluggish and beat down. I knew that I suffered from anemia which I was diagnosed at age 19.

I made sure that I maintained my iron levels significantly since the diagnosis. However, prior to my exam, I slacked off because I was in the process of finding a vitamin that did not contain synthetic chemicals. I thought I was doing good, but I just couldn’t shake the tired feeling.

The day following my exam, I received a call from my physician informing me that my hemoglobin was extremely low, and that I should go to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible to have my hemoglobin checked.

If the test results indicated that my hemoglobin was below a certain point, I would have had to receive a blood transfusion.

Luckily, it had elevated by one point since my exam, and I was sent home with a prescription for iron pills. That crisis was a wakeup call for me because I was consumed with making sure other things got taken care of before I took care of myself.

My doctor told me that I had been feeling the way I had been for so long that I thought it was normal. Since that exam, unexpected call from my physician, and the ER visit, I have made every effort to learn more about the type of food I should eat and which supplements aid in improving my iron stores.

Doctors are good for evaluating and giving us diagnoses, but we have to be assertive about attaining optimal health and not just monetary wealth.

Detoxification is essential in increasing and sustaining energy levels. Here’s a great supplement that many consumers have found to be very effective in sustaining healthy weight, blood glucose levels, and contributes to daily internal cleansing.

Total Life Changes has an excellent product called Iaso Tea that performs all of these functions and more.

The tea is all natural and contains nine herbs which work to cleanse the intestines. If consumed according to the recommended instructions, you should be able to achieve your weight loss and digestive goals.

If you would like to learn more about this product, please see product information and contact Katrina Showers at

The purchase of healthy food and supplements may cost more than average products, but the money you will save when you don’t have to pay for expensive medications and medical services will be realized when you have met your financial goals without major interruptions.

III John 1:2 says … “Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospereth.”

When you take the time to educate yourself about various nutrients and supplements that will improve your health, you can make the best decisions about which products may work for you and begin to set goals that will lengthen your lifespan.

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):


Music by lesfm from Pixabay

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