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How to Cope with Pandemic Depression Without Drugs

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

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You may have experienced the death of a loved one, experienced an attack of COVID-19, lost your job, or have encountered some other unfortunate situation during this pandemic. As a result, you may feel mentally overwhelmed or drained because of the prolonged presence of this unprecedented event.

Although there are promising vaccinations on the horizon, your perception of the future may seem bleak. While there is no way to predict the exact future of our world, you can take control of your personal world by incorporating these actions into your daily routine.

Identify the Root Cause of Your Sadness

It’s easy to blame everything on the pandemic due to the broad restrictions enforced by government authorities. However, in order to implement small steps of effective recourse, it’s better to identify exact factors that may be causing your sadness such as:

  • Debt

  • Relationship Problems

  • Health Challenges

  • Goal Achievement Stagnation

When you identify which situations are causing grief in your life, you can create a plan that helps you focus on what you need to do to help yourself instead of relying on a possible stimulus from the government or something else.

If you’ve had trouble finding a job, maybe you should consider starting your own business or sign up as an independent contractor through online platforms such as Textbroker, Fiverr, or Upwork, until your ideal position becomes available. If you choose to try the latter recommendation, you can develop skills in a new area you may not have thought about pursuing.

As a result, you may establish business relationships with domestic and international clients. This may increase your confidence by providing opportunities to market yourself as an expert in a specific field.

Boost Your Health

This area requires you to not only focus on changing your diet but changing toxic social environments and relationships.

Food plays an important role in how we function physically. It also plays a vital role in how you think and react to situations. For example, if your blood glucose or iron level is too low, you may feel agitated about small matters such as someone asking you a question, or you may experience too much stimulation from loud noises.

If you haven’t begun to improve your diet, now is the best time especially with COVID-19 surges. I’m not suggesting that you change your diet to only lose weight but start eating the type of food that will sustain your physical stamina and mental health. For example, research has found that a Mediterranean diet helps with depression.

A few reasons why this type of diet is so successful are the abundance of vegetables and a decreased amount of meat that make up the diet.

Additionally, a Mediterranean diet has been found to be effective in preventing cancer and diabetes. These benefits can be viewed as a great motivator to improve your eating habits particularly since the aforementioned has contributed to many long-term health problems and shortened lifespans.

Change Your Environment

Oftentimes we assume changing our diet is the only thing that will help us increase our energy. However, if you encounter toxic people and situations consistently, your energy and mental health will decrease. Depending on the nature of the situation, it can be challenging to separate yourself from someone you love, the place you work, or some other situation you feel is beneficial yet toxic.

However, if you also recognize that you or your body respond negatively during or after an encounter such as experiencing increased anger, elevated blood pressure, or sadness, then you know it’s time to make a change.

There may be various factors which prevent you from immediately separating yourself from a situation such as your employment and other responsibilities, but there are ways you can consciously reduce the level of impact that negative situations influence the way you think about yourself and your future.

For example, when you begin to feel overwhelmed when someone criticizes you, instead of focusing on what they said, focus on a goal you want to accomplish that day such as completing a number of tasks at work or home. You can also choose to recall a good comment someone told you and make an effort to leave your critic’s presence as soon as an opportunity permits your exit. This will give you time to regroup and gain control of your emotions rather than reacting in a manner that could trigger anger or sadness.

I’m not encouraging you to ignore situations that need to be confronted, but what I’m recommending is that you choose your battles wisely. This will save you a lot of wasted time and energy.

Research Supporting Resources

If you don’t have enough money to hire a certified therapist or counselor to assist you through your depression recovery journey, you can research affordable sources that offer long-term remedies. For example, James Gordon has a treatment package that includes books on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Goal Setting, and other tools you can use without an appointment, the high expense, and pharmaceutical drugs.

This is not to negate the benefits that can be gained from the services of a depression therapist. However, after consultation, you must implement actions in your life on a regular basis that can help you sustain a healthy mindset. By doing so, you can begin to strengthen your cognitive ability and independence.

The Destroy Depression treatment plan is available for a low cost of $37.00 with a 60-day money back guarantee. You can find out more information about this drug-free depression plan by clicking here.

The more you educate yourself about depression, and what you can do to combat feelings of hopelessness, the quicker you can gain control of your day and life.

Help Yourself Today

The first step begins with you. If you have recognized that your mood or emotions change quickly in certain situations, or you don’t have a positive view of your future, seek help with sources that can guide you in a direction that does not cause you harm mentally or physically.

Destroy Depression is a plan that many people have discovered to be helpful in getting their lives back on track in terms of securing employment, losing weight, and engaging with others in a healthy way.


Huggins-Salomon, Sherry (2019). 8 Scientific Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet. Everyday Health.

Kindelan, Katie. (2019). Mediterranean diet may help protect against symptoms of depression: What to know about the link between diet and mental health. Good Morning America.

Gray Sofa

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