What's on Your Mind?
Updated: Dec 22, 2024
The influx of information is in abundance. Whether it’s accessible through your smart phone, TV, radio, computer, newspaper, or through friends, you definitely won’t miss anything.
Information is generated and distributed at a faster rate now than it was decades ago. Depending on what you’re searching for, you can typically find data on any topic within a second.
If you’re interested in the latest celebrity gossip, you can just type in the name of a person or subscribe to one of your favorite YouTube commentary channels to stay abreast of what’s happening in their lives.
On the other hand, if you’re interested in inspirational, economic, health, or other attention-grabbing topics, you can subscribe to blogs, join Facebook groups, or follow an expert on Twitter to find out what’s trending.
The Effects of Negative Information
When browsing through information to get to targeted subject matter, you’re likely to be bombarded with ads, articles, videos, and other content that’s unrelated to what you’re looking for. Despite the opposite relativity, the creators of the content have strategically developed messages that will attract your attention.
If the message appeals to your interest, you have the option of clicking on the link to find out more information about the topic.
If you choose to follow the path the link leads you through, you can either engage with the information by reading more data or resort back to the path you originally set out on. When this routine is done on a regular basis, your subconscious will capture information that has positive and negative connotation.
The same can be said about conversations we have with people. Over the course of time, our speech, choice of media content, and behavior will reflect our mindset as well as our outlook on life.
Move Beyond Distractions
Unfortunately, sometimes our natural instinct for gathering information gravitates towards negative content. This may be due to early mental conditioning influenced by our parents, teachers, peers, TV, and other sources.
These messages most likely were related to relationships, money, careers, and people. The temptation to gravitate toward negative things about others can also stem from our need to feel better about ourselves when others are doing bad.
Subconsciously it may soothe our conscience particularly if it’s someone who has treated us or others badly. We tend to feel self-righteous and judgmental to know that we haven’t done what they have done, and therefore we point fingers without considering ourselves.
Galatians 6:1 (KJV) says Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
Although some good messages were mixed in the teaching process, negative messages will tend to outrank the positive messages if repeated more frequently. As a result, you have to make more of a conscious effort to research, read, listen to, and study content that will motivate you to change your mindset.
If you’re a goal-oriented person, you know what it takes to achieve a goal. One of the primary steps is brainstorming strategies to begin the process.
If you want to obtain a degree, you must first research colleges and universities to find out if the schools offer degrees in the field you’re interested in. The next step will be to complete an application at a college or university to request acceptance.
The next step will be to secure the money you need to pay the tuition. Once you’ve managed these steps, you will need to register and attend classes.
However, these steps are not enough to obtain the degree you desire. You must follow the instructions given to you by your professors such as completing assignments, researching data, and studying in order to be prepared for your tests.
When these steps are adhered to diligently through the course of your assigned degree program, and you pass satisfactorily, you will be presented with the reward you anticipate.
Proverbs 18:1 (KJV) says … “Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.” This means that when you desire something, you must make a commitment to achieve it.
You won’t get it hanging out with people who don’t have the same vision as yourself or by absorbing content that influences you in negative ways.
Signs It’s Time to Make a Change
If you’re involved in relationships with people who talk condescending to you or about others in a condescending manner, you should consider changing your friendship network.
If you have new ideas, and the people you’re telling don’t say anything about your insight or laugh at the mere thought of something different, then you should ponder it in your heart like Mary did when the angel told her she would be the mother of Jesus until you achieve the goal. (Luke 2:19,51).
You also have to find and link up with people of the same mindset in order to maintain positive thinking. If you find it hard to do this within your local community, search online for communities that are focused on business networking, spiritual inspiration, or personal development.
Finally, Think on These Things
Staying focused in a society that’s inundated with so much information is challenging. It’s easy to be drawn away with good and bad content. Depending on your intention, the results generated can be either uplifting or detrimental to your future’s forecast.
If you don’t know how to change your mindset, you can read this verse aloud every day to help train your mind; Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8, KJV).
If you want to change your future, you must change your mind.
Stay focused and blessed!