Has Your Blues Song Run Out of Verses?
Updated: Sep 8, 2022
Let’s face it, life is very challenging. If you’re not dealing with the same type of issue another person is dealing with, you’re dealing with a unique battle.
It seems like when you’ve gotten through one challenge, another one is meeting you at the finish line. When you’re going through, it’s easy to succumb to fear. It’s also easy to speak about your circumstances repeatedly in a negative way.
We feel compelled to let whoever will listen to us know what our problem is, who caused the trouble, and how long we’ve been dealing with the issue. If the problem is not resolved within our expected time frame, we’re also tempted to add extra verses to our blues song as if no one else has problems.
When left without a caring audience, we can quickly become bitter.
There are examples of soul and vengeance pleadings in the book of Psalms. David cried out when he was running and hiding from his enemies.
He rejoiced when God delivered him from danger, and he languished when he felt overwhelmed with life. While stricken with pain and fear, he found a way to release his feelings through his writing.
This form of mental therapy helped him to identify the source of his problems. There’s nothing wrong with talking about your situation or feelings because suppressing your feelings for a long time can be detrimental to your mind and spirit.
Cry Out to the Right One
Oftentimes we seek solace in others because we think they will have the right answers and make our problems go away. Sometimes this method works with counseling, but it may wane over time because we don’t seek God consistently.
This can increase frustration because God created us to depend on Him for our peace, joy, and ultimate fulfillment.
Although it’s true that you can feel these attributes through things, situations, and relationships periodically, the maintenance of these attributes is only strengthened when we allow God to develop our character.
The result will reflect our ability to respond to challenges in a mature way particularly when situations don’t turn out the way we expect.
When you choose to express your feelings to God as you would a close friend, you’ll find that after disclosing your deepest feelings, your mind will begin to settle, and frustration will dissipate. It’s as if you’re telling your primary care physician what your emotional symptoms are, and God gives you a prescription of peace that lasts.
John 14:27 describes the type of peace Jesus gives. This kind of peace can help you remain calm despite the chaotic challenges you may encounter.
When you don’t know what to pray during times when you feel like you’re going to lose control say this verse out loud:
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).
Change Your Song and Your Audience
If you’ve noticed that your situation has not changed after expressing yourself with the same “woe is me, everybody has done me wrong” lyrics, it’s time to change your song. If people are not responding the way you expect them to when you tell them what’s going on in your life, it’s time to change your audience.
When God wanted an organized universe, he began to speak order into existence. He didn’t waste time talking about how dark and messy the cosmos were. He said …”Let there be.” (See Genesis 1).
Follow God’s example and start talking about what you want. Your situation may or may not change instantly, but the more positive you speak about your situation, the more your mind and spirit will begin to align with the promises of God.
Proverbs18:21 indicates … “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
Stop speaking about your situation in a damnable way. Instead say:
Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13)
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us (Ephesians 3:20).
And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old estates, and I will do better unto you than at your beginnings: and ye shall know that I am the Lord (Ezekial 36:11).
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
These scriptures can be a constant reminder to you that your situation will get better while you continue to grow spiritually.
Sing a New Song
You may have spent days, months, or years singing the same downtrodden song, but let this day be the beginning of a new course in your life. Psalm 96:1 admonishes us to …”O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth.”
Philippians 4:4 encourages us to …”Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” Psalm 107:2 prompts us to …”Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;”
You see how these verses encourages us to say and do things repeatedly to change our mindset. Notice how when you talk about your circumstances in a negative way repeatedly how depressed you feel.
Now do the opposite, and you will notice how optimistic you feel about your future.
Take care and start singing joyfully!